Thursday 19 April 2012


In a group we had to create our own 'Pecha Kucha'
We found 20 typographic designs that incorporated the idea of semiotics well.

This was inspirational in creating our own 'semiotics type' using objects.

I decided to create one using odd socks, to portray that they always go missing. I thought this would be fun to do. I used the word 'lost' but I think 'odd' or 'missing' might have went better.

This was a fun task and I also learned a lot. I will definitely consider semiotics more in my work to help portray certain ideas. I think semiotics can also be used quite understatedly but still work if done well - it may be beneficial to use this in the future, especially in advertising to put certain ideas accross to consumers.

Illustrator Semiotics Task

We were given short tasks (a couple of minutes or so for each one) to create typography to suit a certain word. For example 'flash' or 'segment'. We had to think and communicate ideas quickly but I think it helped push the boundaries a lot. To express an idea and not use image to do so is difficult but is possible. I have definitely learnt from this and will possibly use these ideas to help further the major project.

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