Thursday 17 May 2012

Final project development

When researching I came across the three posters above. I really liked the effect of the third one, The letters fit together perfectly and the swirls create the illusion of smoke and smoothness. I also liked the idea of the text coming out of the coffee cup. I thought it was quite clever. However I think using script writing might market it towards older more upper-class people and I want it to appeal to a more varied market.  I would like to create a more fun and free-flowing feel to my piece.

I really like the idea of cutting out shapes and incorporating it into the design like the above. I thought I could incorporate this into the teacup idea  - could the teacup idea be cut out of the box?

I created the teacup design using the pen tool and think this will work well.  The colours I have used reflect the creaminess and caramel of the tea. I used quite a curly found as I want to render the letter forms to create a smoky, swirly effect to reflect the warmth and creaminess of the tea.

I changed the text to 'Bellyfish' because I think the swirly, crazy essence of it will work well in creating the  fun , free-flowing idea.

Experimenting with placement of letters

Although type is 'crazy' although creative, using the P for both lines makes it very confusing to read, also text is too close together.

I don't think the brown, earthy colours represent the upbeat song, I will research more modern packaging to see if I can get inspiration in using brighter colours.

Research into colour


I like the contrast between the white and bright colours. I will incorporate this into my own design.

After looking into the idea of cutting out the shape of a tea cup I thought about what you will be seeing through. A transparent bag holding the tea would not look particularly attractive with a bright colour scheme, but I thought about using a gold foil bag and incorporating that into the design, as gold would represent the 'buttercup' theme well.

Considering colour schemes with gold I decided to go with a purple gradient background because I think it envokes feelings of luxury. Although purple is well known for chocolate I was thinking about my target audience. I want the tea to appeal to people that would not usually buy herbal teas  or  East India teas - I thought by using this colour scheme and selling it as a 'creamy, delicious drink' rather then a 'herbal drink' or 'flavoured tea' it might attract more people towards it.

 I think it works well and will entices people into reading more into it. 

This is the final nets after a lot of moving things round, kerning etc. There were originally a fair few orpheons and widows which I had to correct. I am happy with the layout.

I used a flower separator between the text because I think it went with the 'Buttercup' theme well.

Now I have finished the box designs I will now start looking at poster designs.

Earlier on I made some sketches in  my sketchbook looking at using type to create  the shape of a teacup. I used the font 'boopee' as I think it comes across as quite fun, but still legible for people to read. After creating this design and printing it off I realised that the text looked far too big and there was too much going on. 

I think the cup is taking up far too much of the page and isn't getting across the 'luxurious' feel to the tea that I want it to. After experimenting with a curving path to create the text I thought this worked well. With this in mind I decided to change the idea and use this technique more in the poster. I decided to make the shape of the teacup smaller and have text curving around it. Although the text is on curved lines, I have made it so it flows down and across the page so the eye follows it and doesn't get lost. I think this works well because although the type is small I think it would draw people people into getting closer to the poster to read what it is all about. The flowing text gives a luxurious smooth feel to the piece and the use of yellows and golds represents the 'buttercream taste' and the caramel and vanilla in the tea.

Mockup including cut out gold detail

I created a mockup of the box and experimented with the cut out gold detail of the mug. I think it worked quite well.